General Meeting Minutes for 2018 

Minutes of Grand Island Lions General Meeting on January 24, 2018

Location: Elderwood (Nursing Home) at Grand Island
Present: Lions Tom DiJohn, Henry Lobl, Paul Bassette, Bob Christmann, Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Sheila Ferrentino, Paul Krupa, Tom N. (new member), Brooks Rimes, Fred Ruocco, Tom Rusert and Tom Witkowski
The meeting began with a social time at 6:30.  Around 7:15 the meeting was called to order by Lion President Henry Lobl. 
Lion Tom Witkowski distributed a report on vision screening and gave a verbal summary.  Anyone interested in helping with the screenings should contact him.
The treasurer’s report was previously emailed.  There were no questions about it and Lion Paul made a motion to accept it, which was seconded and approved.
Lion Henry gave an update on the health of Lion Annette and the club wished her a speedy recovery.
Future meetings were mentioned briefly.  There will a meeting on February 28th at Mallwitz Island Bowling Lanes.   And at the March 14th meeting there will be a presentation on solar energy.
Then there was a presentation by Joe Ruszala (his dog JJ) and Mike Shanley (his dog Ruby) from Dog Tags NY.  Their mission is to help veterans returning from wars with PTSD by matching them up with rescue dogs.  They said that 22 veterans per day commit suicide due to PTSD and that having a dog gives the veterans a purpose and helps to reduce that rate.
The rescue dogs are trained to become therapy dogs and 2 classes are given on Sunday mornings, both basic and advanced.  They have 2 trainers who conduct the classes.
Dog Tags NY can be visited at their Facebook page.  Niagara University helped them design their logo and to initially plan and launch the organization.
The club applauded their efforts and presented them with a $100 check.
The Split Club (now up to $238) stick drawn was for new member Lion Tom N, but he did not draw the winning playing card.
Lion Anne made a motion that after the current split club is won, future split drawings will only require any Ace to win.  Lion Brooks seconded the motion and it was voted on and approved.
Lion Dick bought a bag of Lion pins that was donated by the family of Lion Earl DeGlopper and Lion Bob Christmann also brought a box of Lion pins.  Lion Anne will take a half dozen of these pins with her on her mission trip and the rest will be pinned to 2 vests to be purchased and donated to the Lions Golf Tournament in the summer to be raffled and the money used for Lionism.
Lion Dick mentioned that the GI Kiwanis will be raising funds by putting on a production of Tina & Tony’s Wedding.  More details will follow. Lion Tom Rusert talked about Doc Days for Kids, their 23rd annual event and passed around a flyer.  It is on February 25th, noon to 6pm at the Tavern on Windsor Park on Transmit Road.  Proceeds benefit Sisters Hospital Neo Natal Unit.
The nominating committee will begin their work in February.
Kudos and thanks were given to Lion Tom DiJohn for the excellent dinner and the meeting was adjourned.

Grand Island Lions Meeting February 28, 2018
Mallowitz’s Island Lanes

Meeting called to order by First Vice President Lion Shelia Ferrentino
Discussion on request from District for LEO Club 0 (USA – Canada Leadership Foundation)
Motion to donate $100.00 made by Lion Tom Witkowski, second by Lion Paul Krupa
Motion Passed

Treasurer’s Report emailed out to membership, copy passed around.  Report detailed an explanation of the Super Bowl money explained by Lion Tom W.  Executive board signed document explain the process for the IRS.

Lion Cindy Sharpe requested that 10 eye glass collection boxes be bought at the price of $76.95 plus shipping and be placed in all Grand Island Schools (Public and Parochial).  Motion by Anne Fahning second by Lion Tom W. to transfer $150.00 to cover costs associated with this purchase.
Motion Passed
We have notified that we have enough credits to award a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award for the year.

Cabinet meeting is Saturday March 3rd at Classics Five starting at 9am.  Meeting is open to all, too late to sign up for lunch.

Freedom Guide Dogs have requested a donation.  Listed in budget with no specific amount.  A motion by Lion Tom W. for $150.00, second by Lion Shelia.
Motion Passed

Lion Tom brought up membership for Dr. Adrienne Cassata (Spelling of name may be incorrect) fees paid
(due to old application – Initiation fee paid was $25.00 not $35.00.)    Membership is urged to download new application form for future members.  Sponsor is Lion Dave Chervinsky, motion by Lion Tom W., second by Lion Anne F.
Motion Passed

FYI – Bonton filing for Bankruptcy, no word on Community Days or which type of Bankruptcy they are doing.

Lion Dick C., Loan closet is full, we need to do a weaning out and donate extras.  The Town has a grant to re-model the community center.  We will need to make arrangements for temporary quarters when this work gets scheduled.

Spaghetti Dinner – April 23rd – Radisson Inn.  They will not provide coffee this year, $400.00 deposit required as part of contract.  Will meet with TOPS manager to see what position they are in to donate due to there financial position.  Set up on Sunday the 23nd 3pm.  Dinner 5 – 8 pm on Monday the 23rd of April. Set up committee will start preparing food at 10:00am.

The Grand Island Farmers Market is held on the first Sunday of the Month at the Knights of Columbus.

Motion to adjourn to enjoy an evening of bowling made by Lion Tom and second by Lion Ann.
Motion Passed
Submitted by Lion Dick Crawford

Grand Island Lions General Meeting
March 14, 2018

Attendance:  in attendance 15 Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino, Anne Fahning, Brooks Rimes, Tom Natale, Cindy Sharpe, Donna Lavallee, Kelly McGarvey, guest Bev Kinney.

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM Pledge: Lion Henry, Lion Kelly; song, Lion Annette; prayer.  A motion to release the tail twister, Lion Tom R, seconded by Lion Dick C.

Lion Cindy: Introduced our guest town councilwoman Beverly Kinney. Councilwoman Kinney will present on solar energy efforts in the town.

Lion Tom W The vision screening at the GI Library only yielded 1 child.  Lion Tom suggested that we continue to serve the schools and perhaps reconsider. Thank you to Lion Anne, Lion Tom R, Lion Tom R and Lion Shelia. Lion Tom will be testing at Jack and Jill preschool and GI Coop.  Lion’s Club international announced a grant for 4 new screeners for the district.

Treasurers Report:  Lion Tom reviewed the Welfare and General Funds that everyone received via email.  Motion to approve the Treasurers report, seconded by Lion Dick C, all in favor, motion passed.

Split Club: Lion Tom:  Total in the split club is $244. Guest Beverly Kinney drew Lion Dick drew the 7 of hearts.

Committee Reports:
Lion Dick: Spaghetti Dinner is 4/23.  Set up is on Sunday 4/22 at 3 PM.  Lion Dick has yet to hear from Tops. Lion Tom R. has the meatballs lined up, 4 cases.  Placemat ads are available.  Prices for tickets are $8, $5 kids.  Lion Anne’s committee is ready to go. Lion Anne was wondering if we could maybe rent a “spin the wheel” for a $1 a spin for extra revenue
Presentation:  Beverly Kinney: Town business reviewed
3/19 will be the Public hearing on Love’s Truck Stop
3/14 Master plan meeting.
Chair of Solarize Grand Island, action items were completed to get grant monies. There is a large committee with varied representation. There is a relationship with NYSERDA.
Blue rock solar has started a solar campaign in February they will honor any previous community commitments.  The Solarize GI campaign will
begin in May.  There will be state and federal initiatives.  The campaign will do an analysis of your home at no cost.
The campaign will be looking for local companies but there may be many installer’s looking for the contract. No door to door campaigning.
Dates were shared and the campaign sign up deadline will be completed by 9/3/18.
Correspondence:  Lion Kelly
We received an additional check from the BonTon
Thank you from the Family Justice Center for our donation during DG Sharon Battaglia.
Invitation for the Diabetes walk sponsored by Lewiston Lions Club on 4/28/18. For further information se the April newsletter.
Dick and Jenny’s Fundraiser Tuesday and Wednesday during May and June.  Advertisement for this can be handed out at the Spaghetti Dinner.  May 15 will be our Dick and Jenny’s fundraiser.

Peace Poster: The entry from Kenmore is going to the state level. 
State Convention:  Lion Tom W. we can elect 3 delegates at the state convention in Rochester.  You have to be present to vote. Dates will be May 4-6, 2018. Lion Tom W will be attending the convention. This can be published in the newsletter for other interested Lion’s.
Lion Tom has the application for our new member.
Sunshine committee:  We need a new chairperson for the club. Lion Annette volunteered for this.
Ten boxes were ordered for eyeglass collection for the school district.  Lion Cindy will take care of the placements of this and will relate the locations to Lion Bob.
Nominating Committee:  The committee has met and the slate of officers will be made available soon. Lion Paul will announce this for a vote via email.  The vote will occur on April 11.  The slate needs to be put out by 4/15.
Melvin Jones:  We have the possibility of 3 awards.

Motion to adjourn Lion Donna seconded by Lion Cindy; Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions General Meeting
April 11, 2018

Attendance:  in attendance 18 Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Cindy Sharpe, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Anne Fahning, Kelly McGarvey, Dick Crawford, Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco, Dan Morabito, Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Natale, Tom DiJohn, Paul Krupa, Brooks Rimes, Jeannine Justen, Donna Lavallee
Lion Shelia led us in the pledge, Lion Donna  song, Lin Dick; prayer A motion to release the tail twister, Lion Dick, seconded by Lion Brooks.

Committee Reports:
Corresponding Secretary: Lion Kelly; Thank you from Young Life.  The BonTon sent a duplicate check, efforts to contact them have not been successful, we will not cash the check. Volunteers are needed for the Blind Picnic at the 5 senses Park on Ward Rd.  There is a planning meeting on 4/6. Thank you from Dr. Andy’s Day for Kids and from Freedom guide dogs. Kennsington Lions will host their High School Football classic on 7/25, there is a request for an ad.  There is a request from Relay for Life for a basket donation.
Treasurers Report:   Lion Tom Witkowski reviewed the balances in the General and Welfare funds. All members received a copy of the Budget via  email. We received our annual money from the Old Blind and Charity Fund. Motion to accept the treasurers report;, Lion Annette seconded by Lion Cindy, all in favor.
Convention: The convention is in Rochester on 5/4-5/6. Interested Lions on serving as a voting delegate see Lion Tom W.
District training:  deadline is 4/28 for registration.
Split Club: Lion Tom: Total in the split club is $253, drew Lion Tom N drew the 10 of hearts.

Program:  Lion Anne F. Lion Anne presented on residential reassessment for the town of GI.  Grand Island is trying to stay at 100% valuation so that tax liability is evenly distributed.  Grievance processes were reviewed. Grievance day is in June.

Spaghetti Dinner is 4/23, tickets were handed out tonight.  We will be setting up at 3 PM on Sunday 4/22, an email will be sent out.  Everyone is asked to bring a baked good for the bake sale. Tops is sponsoring us once again Lion Dan will cook the sauce with the possible help of Tony Dragonette.
Lion Brooks:   Basket raffle, Lion Brooks noted that some businesses are declining donations this year.
Election: Lion Kelly: Slate of Officers
       President:  Lion Shelia Ferrentino
       1st Vice President:  Lion Paul Krupa
       2nd Vice President Lion Anne Fahning
       Treasurer:  Lion Tom Witkowski 
      Corresponding Secretary:  Lion Kelly McGarvey
      Recording Secretary:  Lion Donna Lavallee
            Lion Tamer/Tail Twister:  Lion Fred Ruocco
Year Director:  Lion Bob Goulding
Year Director:  Lion Brooks Rimes
Year Director:  Lion Cindy Sharpe
Year Director:  Lion Dick Crawford
Immediate Past President:  Henry Lobl
                  Membership Chair: Lion Tom R
No further nominations from the floor.
Lion Anne moves that the slate is accepted, Seconded by Lion Kelly, motion passed. 
Lion Dick Crawford has been nominated for Citizen of the Year for Community. The dinner is on 4/26. Tickets are available.  See Lion Cindy.
Merritton meeting is on 4/25 at Merritton.

Motion to adjourn Lion Anne seconded by Lion Tom R; Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna



Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
May 09, 2018

Attendance: (17 in attendance) Henry Lobl, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Dick Crawford,  Donna Lavallee, Annette Lobl, Dave Chervinsky, Kelly McGarvey, Anne Fahning, Bob Goulding, Brooks Rimes, Cindy Sharpe, Tom Natale, Norm Hahn, Shelia Ferrentino. Guests: Tammy Owen from the Olmstead Center for Sight and Gary Wagner.

Lion President Henry Lobl called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. 
Lion Kelly led us in the Pledge to the Flag, Lion Brooks led us in a patriot song and Lion Annette led us in prayer
Presidents report and announcements:
Correction from the 4/11/2018 minutes.  Shen Yun was not present, that will be deleted and corrected, Lion Tom Natale drew the 10 of hearts, not Lion Brooks.  The minutes will be revised and sent to LP Henry for review.  Lion Dave will post on the website.
We need to brain storm for a new fundraiser as Community Days from the Bon Ton will be discontinued. Wendy’s is no longer holding community fundraisers. We can look to other restaurants and other possibilities such as dress down days at local businesses.
The restaurant fundraiser at Dick and Jenny’s is on May 15
Spaghetti Dinner; a new committee or chairperson is needed for the placement ads.

Treasurers report: Lion Tom W. was sent to all members via email with the balances in the General and Welfare accounts.  Motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Lion Norm, Seconded by Lion Tom R..  Motion passed. Membership dues are due before June 30.

Split club: Lion Fred, absent, Lion Kelly, $260 in the pot.  9 of hearts!! Til next time…..

State convention: Lion Tom W. Reimbursements to the treasury needs to be submitted before the end of the fiscal year.
There is now a Miracle League Field in Rochester NY. Lion Tom sat next to the first female to become the LCIF president. Eye screening last year we screened 20,000 kids, we did 40% of the Multiple districts in NYS over 7,000 children have been referred. We are getting 4 new screeners in the district, volunteers are needed. PDG Jim Muscareil is moving up to be VP of the Brandel Murphy Foundation, our own Lion Tom Witkowski will serve as secretary. Jeff Jarvis is our new DG for 20. Our club won $500 from the NYS and Bermuda Lions Foundation.
Next year the state convention is in Binghamton, 2020 the convention is in Buffalo, NY.

Presentation: Tammy Owen from The Olmsted Center for Sight.
 Background on Olmsted, used to be the Blind Association of WNY.  The center serves persons from infancy to the end of life.
Services range from the Pre-school that has now transitioned the running of the school to Buffalo Hearing and Speech Center.
Career program for unemployed adults training them in many different areas from hospitality and IT.
Low vision Clinic and rehabilitation services
Gary Wagner:  A client of the Olmsted Center that spoke about the benefits that he received form the Olmsted Center for Sight as he lost his vision. The agency has helped him more upward in the system and he is currently the director at the VA in the calling center.  Gary’s wants to help people find employment who are blind and hire persons who are blind. There is a 70% unemployment rate for those who are legally blind.
Connect 211 program providing access to information on local and national health and human services.
Our annual donation to Olmsted was presented to Tammy Owen and Gary Wagner.

Committee Reports:  expenses
Kids Day Lion Anne we contributed to helping raise over $774 selling 400 papers on GI Blvd and Long Rd, Lion Dave, Lion Anne, Lion Kelly Brooks, Tom W.
Corresponding Secretary: Lion Kelly communications
Minimal correspondence.  Excaliber request for donations as they are moving their repair shop.  We have them on our annual giving.
Wings Flight of Hope is having their annual fundraiser on August 4th.

New business:
Lion Tom R, stole the bell from the Merrittan dinner meeting. Newsletter has a picture of it, so maybe they will notice.
Diabetes health fair planning in November. Lion Cindy, LionShelia and Lion Henry will be on the committee.  Dates and details to follow.
Reminder that the Postal Service is collecting for the food pantry on Saturday 5/12
Tops Market was not mentioned in the article about the Spaghetti Dinner in the Island Dispatch.  They have generously donated to the dinner for over 40 years.  Perhaps a recognition plaque is in order.  If people are available Lion Dick would like to organize a presentation. We need to arrange a photo to go into the Dispatch as soon as possible. Lion Dick made a motion that we allocate monies for recognition plaques for the Radisson and for Tony Dragonette. Lion Paul B is supposed to be arranging this.
Lion Installation dinner 6/13 at the GI Radisson, 6 PM for Cocktails and 7 PM for dinner, spouses and significant others are invited. We have a new member that will be inducted.
Replacements are needed for eagle heralds on the flags and we need a new Canadian Flag.  Lion Tom will get pricing and we vote on this at the next board meeting.  Lion Dick also advocated for a protective case to house and protect the flags.  We will still be in the loan closet space until Oct. Optional locations are being looked at as the Nike Base space is in need of many repairs.
Loan closet items have been moved out in the hallway and additional items need to be transported.  Lion Dave will make the contact to St. Lukes to see if they will accept the equipment.

Motion to adjourn Lion Brooks, seconded by Lion Tom W  meeting adjourned  9:00 PM.
Next meeting is 5/23 at the BLC Peace poster winners.
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
May 23, 2018

Attendance: (14 in attendance) Tom Rusert, Dick Crawford,  Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Fred Ruocco, Bob Goulding, Anne Fahning, Shelia Ferrentino, Cindy Sharpe, Tom Witkowski, Dan Morabito, Kelly McGarvey. 4 guests; Alexander Jensen and parents Steve and Amy and Madalyn Montes and sister Mikayla and mother
Lion President Henry called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. 
Lion Bob led us in the Pledge to the Flag, Lion Paul led us in prayer and Lion Shelia led us in a patriotic song. Motion to release the tail twister.

Announcements – Lion Paul introduced our Peace poster winner, Alexandra Jensen and her parents and second place winner Madalyn Montes and her parents.

Lion Tom W. called the split club, 15 cards left, looking for the Ace of Hearts; $267. in the kitty, Lion Brooks not present, Lion Henry, Lion Henry drew the Ace of Hearts!!!!!!  As we start next year drawing any ace will win.

Program: Peace Poster chair Paul Bassette:  Honoring our Peace Poster contest 1st and 2 nd place winners.  Lion Paul gave a quick background on the history of The Peace Poster contest which has been conducted for the past 30 years. The contest is for young people ages 11-13. This year’s theme was “The Future of Peace”.  District level winners go on to the State level winners to many nations throughout the world.  We had 23 Peace Posters submitted this year. The judging criteria are based on use of theme, artistic ability and originality. Second place $50 winner Miss Madalyn Montes reviewed her poster. Miss Alexandra Jensen was the first place $100 winner both from Connor Middle School.  The posters will be display for 1 year at the Grand Island Public Library.  We also had 2 honorable mention winners that each received $25. 

Committee Reports/Board Meeting:
Presidents report: Lion Henry
Minutes will be distributed prior to the club before each meeting for the club to review before the following meeting to be voted on as this is a permanent record that will be on the website.  This will become our new routine.
Next meeting at the Radisoon. 6/13/18
 Induction of 2 new members. Jones and Uplinger awards. And milestone awards will be given
Dick and Jenny’s fundraiser: $124 was raised from Dick and Jenny’s Booster dinner 5/15/18. Jenny adds a check to this amount.

Treasurers Report:  Lion Tom W:  Reports were emailed to the club regarding the General and Welfare Funds.  We received $250 from the Ray Wheeler Foundation to match the Club’s donation to the Sidway School playground project. They have been notified that $500 will be coming from the club.

Corresponding secretary report:  Lion Kelly: Thank you from Olmstead for the donation.  Newsletter from Freedom Guide Dogs, Report from Catholic Health. Invitation for Dining in the Dark.

SKP: Lion Annette: We have procured a Petting Zoo and ponies.

Health Fair: Lion Shelia: Date 11/03 or 11/10.
Venue needed. Donna is looking into Trinity, Episcopal, Knights and Radisson and Holiday Inn.
Next meeting 5/30 4 pm at Hanna Realty office.

Scholarship –Paul Bassette - 20 applications. No one outstanding candidate. 5- $500 scholarships were awarded.
New Business:

Next Meeting Installation Dinner:  June 16 at The Radisson. PDG Ken Butkowski will be doing the installation of new member and his wife Lion Kelly Butkowski.
Motion to adjourn: by Cindy. Second by Shelia.


June 13, 2018 Installation Dinner

The Installation and awards dinner was held at the Radisson on June 13, 2018.  Thee was 42 people present.  Honored guests were PDG Ken Butkowski and his wife Lion Kelly Butkowski,  John and Linda Harbison and Molly Wynne and another representative from the Radisson, . Installation of 2 new members Councilwoman Beverly Kinney and Dr. Adrienne Manzo Cassata! The Robert Uplinger award was presented to Lion Shelia Ferrentino.  Additionally certificates of appreciation were presented the Radisson and Tops Markets for their continued support of our Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser. The Melvin Jones Humanitarian Award was presented to John Harbison.

 Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 12, 2018

Attendance: 18, Dick Crawford, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Tom Natale, Dave Chervinsky, Guest Lynn Thompson, guest Brian Rusk, Guest Kean Stimm, Shelia Ferrentino, Bob Goulding, Dan Morabito, Paul Bassette, Tom Rusert, Anne Fahning, Paul Krupa, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Donna Lavallee
The meeting was called to order by LP Shelia at 7:05 PM. 
Pledge led by Lion Tom R, Patriotic song, Lion Donna, Lions Prayer, Lion Paul B
Introduction of guests: Brian Rusk, Lynn Thompson and Kean Stimm

Motion to release the Tail Twister, Lion Annette seconded by Lion Anne.

Budget Committee report: nothing set up as of yet
By laws: LP Shelia, Lion Kelly and Lion Tom W met to discuss some changes in the by-laws and this will be presented at the next meeting.
SKP: we just received an invoice from the BLC. A report will be presented next meeting.  Lion Annette is looking for a co chair and someone to take over.

We received an offer from Mike Kelly manager Hyundai, they would like to become more active in helping our club, they will like to reimbursement the club for the spaghetti dinner by purchasing the dinner and sponsoring the SKP as a corporate sponsor. LP Shelia asked for a tally of the monies regarding how much we spent on the dinner for the past 3 years to provide information to Mike Kelly.

White Cane: Lion Henry.
A thank you letter was sent to the Island Dispatch.  We collected $1972 and had 40 man hours. We had some missed slots and it rained the morning of the street. A new chairperson is needed.

Membership:  A membership contest. Dave C, Tom W, Tom R, Kelly Mc, Shelia F, Anna F,  Paul K and Dick C will join. $5 gets you in for prizes and a split of the kiddy. The contest will run all year from September through June.

Bottle redemption: Check for $171.42. We will now get 0.05 per can.

MOW: We need some volunteers in the winter. Lion Paul Bassette, Lion Shelia, Lion Anne, emergency Lion Dick. First and Third Fridays are our responsibility.

Phone Tree: Lion Paul was just the calling chair.  We need new members to contribute.  There are glitches that need to be ironed out.  Lion Tom Rusert will contact the new members and see if any of them will step up to call.  Numbers will be called in to Lion Paul K who will call them into the restaurant.

Loan Closet; Lion Dick.  We are out of wheelchairs.  We had one transfer chair donated today, it is at the town highway garage, call Lion Dick if needed.  We need to clean out the closet and put an article appeal in the dispatch requesting needed items. Committee members are Sarah Sweeney, Lion Dick, Lion Dave, Lion Fred. These individuals have keys to the loan closet.  The Wheatfield Lions loans hospital beds.
Guest Speaker:  Kean Stimm: Wind Turbine engineering breakthrough.  Newtonian Wind Turbine a design that makes a more efficient use of wind energy.  Fossil fuels and natural gas are diminishing. The new turbine is 1/12 the size and 5% of the cost as well as the noise level is much less of the large turbines. The new design utilizes 100% of the airmass.  Engineered with less parts and to be placed just above the tree line. The new design has patents. WNY has 400 shareholders owning the international patent. More shareholders are welcome. Contact numbers were shared.

Joint Club Meeting: Lion Dick Oct 10 (committee members; Dick, Tom R, Donna and John Harbison. Tom W has contacted Women’s club of GI, Zonta, Moose, women of the Moose, Rotary Club, Kiwanis, American Legion, VFW and KOC.  We will most likely have hors d’oeuvres instead of a meal and the speaker will be from the Family Justice Center.

Fundraising Projects: We will discuss this at the next meeting.

Health Fair Update:   November 10th at Trinity UMC 2100 Whitehaven Rd from 11-2 PM.  Committee members, Tom W, Shelia, Henry, Annette, Paul K, Kelly, Donna. An email went out to approximately 30 vendors. More details to follow.

Taste of GI: Lion Tom has contacted Cory McGuire and is waiting to hear back.  A table is $50. It is 10 days away and we know nothing.  We will not participate this year.

2018-2019 Lions Calendar:  Meeting places were discussed.
Spaghetti Dinner April 29 is set date has been discussed with the hotel.

Corvette Poker Run:  Corvette ride that starts at Paddock Chevrolet.  It is this Sunday from 10-11 AM as they tour around GI.  Volunteers are still needed amount of time would be only a few minutes to hold traffic as the motorcade goes through. Wear white gloves if you have them. There could be up to 100 cars. We have 10 people who have volunteered. Lion Dick will call everyone tomorrow.

Treasurers report:  Lion Tom W. The balances for the general and welfare accounts were reviewed.  All members received a copy of the report via email. 
Motion: to accept Lion Annette, seconded by Lion Paul K.

Attendance Recognition:  Lion Tom W, Lion Shelia. Annual attendance awards are presented to members who have accumulated 15 points.  The points will be shared with the club and a revision may be made to our bylaws.  Points will be obtained by meetings, fundraisers, SKP, MOW, White cane, Scholarship meeting, Melvin Jones, Uplinger. A full list will be shared at the next meeting.
Corresponding Secretary report:  Lion Donna for Lion Kelly
Town of Niagara Annual Wine basket and Spaghetti Dinner tickets available.  Sunday October 21 1-5 PM at St Vincent De Paul Parish Hall, Military Rd, NF.  Wine basket raffle tickets are $5 or 3 for $10, need not be present to win. See Lion Donna if you would like tickets. Dinner tickets $8 adults $4 kids 6-12.
Appeal for donation from Freedom Guides Dogs
Patch for our banner from USA/Canada Leadership foundation for Leo Leadership.

Meeting Calendar: Lion Donna:  We are still negotiating with the Radisson.  Suggestions for. meeting places; Moose, Elderwood, Hanna Realty, NYS information Center, Fuccillo Chevrolet, Mallwitz lanes, Town Café. club meeting with Merrittan will be 10/24, McMahons catering.

We did donate $150 to Freedom Guide Dogs Lion Henry made the motion to donate, Seconded by Lion Anne, all in favor. Motion passed.

Lion Tom R, motion to adjourn, seconded by Lion Shelia, meeting adjourned.  9:14 PM.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
September 26, 2018

Attendance:  14 LP Shelia Ferrentino, Lion Dick Crawford, Lion Tom Rusert, Prospective Member Mike Kelly, Lion Henry Lobl, Lion Annette Lobl, Lion Dave Chervinsky, Lion Tom Butler, Lion Bob Goulding, Lion Anne Fahning. Lion Kelly McGarvey. Lion Fred Ruocco, Lion Paul Krupa, Lion Donna,
The meeting was called to order at guests 7:05 PM. 

Introduction of guest and prospective member Mike Kelly from Fuccillo Chevrolet. Mr. Kelly wants the Fuccillo organization to give back to the community.  So far he has involved the business in the GI fire department’s open house fire prevention event in October. He is stressing community volunteerism with his staff.
Motion to release the Tail Twister, Lion Paul K seconded by Lion Anne.
Split club: Lion Tom R made a motion to combine last meeting and this meeting, seconded by Lion Annette, $14, any ace wins, Lion Bob Goulding; 9 of clubs.

Motion to approve the minutes, Lion Dick, Lion Paul K, all in favor.
Niagara Frontier Radio Reading service, a request for donation this is in the budget $100
Camp Smile Empire State games; donation or Lion Anne made a motion to send the request to the budget committee for $100, seconded by Lion Shelia. 
Lewiston community Lions Club, hoping to build a children’s playground, asking for volunteers to help build or purchase 5 tickets for $50 each. This will be brought to the board.

SPK: has anyone stepped up to learn how to organize the picnic under the guidance of Lion Annette? No not yet, we will continue to work on this.

Treasurers report:  Lion Tom W. remotely sent to budget.  We will vote on this the next meeting.

Membership contest: Lion Tom R., 15 members in the contest are Lion Shelia, Lion Tom R, Lion Tom W, Lion Kelly, Lion Paul B, Lion Dick, Lion Dave, Lion Anne, Lion Henry, Lion Bob, Lion Sarah, Lion Jim, Lion Danielle, Lion Annette and Mike Kely. First prize is the kiddy plus cool Lions stuff.  Tonight is the last night to join with the exception of new members who will be given the opportunity to join. Contest ends at the last meeting. Tie breaker is who gets their application in first.

MOW:  Lion Annette with work on the schedule when it gets closer to the winter months when we need coverage.

Phone tree: Lion Danielle got her email out, Lion Tom DiJohn is calling.  Lion Paul Krupa is calling in to the venue. There are a few kinks to work out.
Loan Closet:  The closet was cleaned by Tom R, Kelly Mc, Lion Henry and Lion Dave: excess was delivered to Jericho House on Barker in the city of Buffalo by Lion Dave.

Joint Meeting:  Lion Dick Lion Tom W is in contact with Rotary, Lions, Moose, Zonta, Kiwanis, VFW, cash bar and hors d’oeuvres, with speaker from the Family Justice Center.

Fundraiser ideas:  
Meat Raffle, we need a lot of volunteers between 25 and 30 volunteers.  Someone can look into it, the speaker that was going to speak to us about this canceled the event due to lack of volunteers.  This could be a joint effort. 
Dessert Competition at Marla Crawford’s school. Lion Dick will let us know when the competition is so that we can

Health Fair:   The committee had another meeting, things are coming along.  The fair is on November 10 from 11-2 PM.  So far we have 5 commitments. Participants will bring a basket to raffle for $30. Lion Henry is asked to have St. Mary’s offer diabetes awareness. We will talk to the budget committee regarding the expenses, $120, could be $110 for lawn signs. Lion Dick will be in charge of publicity; Ilse de grande, etc.  Lighted sign in front of Howard Hanna.

Poker Run: Corvette run was very successful, we had 10 volunteers to direct traffic, the GI Police Department was unable to help due to calls.  Over 100 Corvettes

Spaghetti Dinner:  Fuccillo’s would like to sponsor the dinners. Lion Tom W will be getting financials together.

Sunshine Committee: card to Lion Mark Frentzel and Patty on the death of Patty’s mother.

Lion Club International festival:  Miranda Proctor USA International Twirler.   Miranda shared what she will take to Peru and will come and speak to the club when she returns.

Lion Anne, motion to adjourn Lion Paul K, seconded by Lion Anne, meeting adjourned.  8:37 PM.

Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Joint Meeting: 10/10/18

6:30 Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres
7:15 speaker from FJC done by 8 PM
The previous one was run like a Lions meeting , introduction of Club Presidents the Club president will have a forum to briefly discuss their club, LP Shelia will introduce the speaker.  The committee will have to meet with the manager of the BLC, Lion Dick has yet to hear. Food stations, meeting could be theater seating for the speaker.  Lion Dick and Lion Tom R will meet and make sure that the BLC is aware of all the details.
Lion Bob:  A project presented to the board to promote Lions Club to come up with a magnetic button and a business card that has the club information and what Lionism is all about.  The purchase embroidery would be approximately $100.  Lion Bob has some pins that would be of no cost to the club.  Lions members would have cards to hand out.  Lion Bob would like permission to go ahead with the project Lion Tom R will assist. Someone needs to volunteer to print the business cards. Lion Bob will go ahead with feedback from club members. Lion Dick will get the cost for 200 business cards.
Motion to adjourn:  Lion Tom R, seconded Lion Bob
Meeting adjourned 9:03 PM
Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club General Meeting
October 24, 2018

Attendance:  35 in attendance Shelia Ferrentino, Dick Crawford, Tom Witkowski, Donna Lavallee,  Dave Chervinsky, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, .Bob Goulding, Fred Ruocco, Tom Butler, Kelly McGarvey, Brooks Rimes, Anne Fahning, Mike Kelly, Samantha Miller, 20 guests from Merritton and Townsend Lions Club

Lion President Shelia Ferrentino called the meeting to order at 6:55 PM.  Lion Tom W led the pledge to the flag, Lion Henry led us in patriotic song, Lion Dick led us in prayer
Tail Twister was released.

TY from Corvette Club plus a donation of $100
TY Freedom Guide Dogs, they plan on placing 40 dogs for 2018
Pancake Breakfast from Sheridan Lions Club
Braille Group of Buffalo, information and request for support
Seeds of Love, Nicaragua Vision Trip
Information of Our Clubs Health and Wellness Fair on November 10, 2018 from 11- to 2 PM
Presentation: DG Zolton Dohar from Townsend Lions Club 
A proclamation for the Merritton Lions Club for 80 years of service.
Commemoration Chevron Awards for years of service from LCIF president for Lion Tony for 15 years of service, Lion Wayne 45 years, Lion Geoffrey Crane 50 years of service.
Greetings from LICF president Gudrun Yngvadottir from Iceland
Project for the DG, Lions Home for Deaf and Blind people.  District A2 is the highest percentage giver for this pet project.  Request from Merritton to consider giving a Helen Keller Award, and a challenge to become a 100% giving from the district.
GI Lions Club Induction of new members Mike Kelly and Samantha Miller.  Lion Shelia is the sponsor for Lion Mike and Lion Mike is the sponsor for Lion Samantha.

Drawing for prizes:  Lion Fred

Committee Reports:
Health Fair report:  Our Health Fair is on November 10, 2018 at Trinity United Methodist Church from 11-2 PM.  There are many health care providers that will be participating.  Fliers are available and notices have been posted in Isle de grande

Vision Screening:  We are on pace to do 30k screenings for this year in District 20 N.

Merritton announcement:  There is one opening left for their fundraiser “dog bowling: which goes towards the guide dogs.  The entrance fee for a team of 4-6 is $150 the time is for 2 Pm on November 3.

We had a joint service organization meeting for service clubs on GI.  There was a lot of good feedback for a service club joint calendar and knowledge of the clubs for the good of the community.  Regular meetings will be scheduled.

Meeting Adjourned 8:19 PM
Next general meeting will be November 14, 2012 at Radisson
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee


Grand Island Lions Club Meeting 11/14/18

Attending: Dick Crawford, Anne Fahning, Kelly McGarvey, Bob Goulding, Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Samantha Miller, Jeanine Justen, Paul Krupa, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Guest Elizabeth O’Donnell .
LP Shelia called the meeting to order followed by Lion Paul leading a patriotic song, Lion Bob leading the Pledge and Lion Dick saying a prayer.
LP Shelia introduced Elizabeth from Gliding Stars who will speak on the program for kids with special needs.
Lion Anne filled in for the tail twister and asked questions about Thanksgiving Day facts and traditions.
Lion Tom R. motioned to release the tail twister. Second by Lion Paul
Split Club has been changed from cards to Hershey kisses. There are 48 silver and 4 gold. If a gold is pulled the Lion member wins. Lion Anne made a motion to use this new method 2nd by LP Shelia, passed. Lion Jeanine pulled a silver kiss.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report. Lion Kelly reported the only correspondence received was from NY/Bermuda Lions foundation to purchase raffle tickets. Matter referred to budget committee.
Program presented by Elizabeth O Donnell. This is an ice-skating program for kids with special needs. Walkers etc are adapted so these kids can skate and participate in the annual show. It is family oriented. Each child must have at least one family member volunteer. The program has been organized for 39 years. It  depends on donations. There are three sites locally and ten chapters in other states.
Treasurer’s Report. Lion Tom reviewed the financials. Lion Anne asked why the Club’s donations remained the same for the last 15 years when we have a surplus in the general fund. Discussion followed. Lion Anne motioned to donate an additional $150 to Gliding Stars. 2nd by Lion Paul K. Passed. Lion Paul made a motion to accept the report.2nd by Lion Kelly. Passed.
Constitution and By-Laws revision. Lion Tom W. stated the draft will be forwarded to the Directors in 30 days.
Membership-Lion Tom R, reported that the prize amount is $75. LP Shelia awarded the Centennial Celebration Pin to Lion Tom R. for recruiting and retaining Lions Danielle and Jim Rose, as well as Lions Jeanine Justin and Sarah Sweeny  for one year and one day.
Peace Poster contest. Lion Tom W. reported for the committee that a 7th grade student from the Middle School, Hannah Susman will represent the Club.
Loan Closet. Dick C. reports that the Club does not have to relocate as the town is not removing asbestos at the present time.
Brandel Murphy Youth foundation Super Bowl tickets are still available, See Lion Tom W
Motion to adjourn made by Lion Anne. 2nd by Lion Dick. Passed.     
Respectfully submitted
Annette Lobl.
